Deploying DXCore, CodeRush or community plug-ins using a VSIX extension

October 17th, 2011 Comments off

Note, this article has been moved to the official DevExpress Support Center site. Please refer to the moved article as it might have further updates or additional comments. Thank you.

A DXCore plug-in is usually represented by a single assembly. It might also include some additional data, for example, language dictionaries for the Spell Checker CodeRush plug-in and, probably, setting files, such as shortcuts. To install the plug-in, simply copy an assembly to the Community Plug-ins folder that looks like this in most cases:

%Documents%\DevExpress\IDE Tools\Community

where %Documents% is your Windows Documents folder.

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IDE Tools options – Settings paths

October 17th, 2011 Comments off

IDE Tools (CodeRush, Refactor! and DXCore) use several physical paths to store its settings, log and cache files, and community plug-ins. All these paths are configurable on the Core | Settings options page in the Options Dialog. This is what the page looks like:

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How to manage the refactoring provider appearance and sub menus in the Popup menu

September 30th, 2011 Comments off

The Refactor!/CodeRush Popup menu shows available refactoring and code operations in the current context. When you develop a DXCore plug-in with a refactoring provider component, you might need to tweak its appearance in the popup menu. We will see how to change the caption of a refactoring menu item and the text of the hint describing a refactoring operation. Also, we will learn how to add and manage sub menu items for the popup menu.

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Creating a simplest refactoring using the RefactoringProvider control

September 30th, 2011 Comments off

In this article we will create the simplest refactoring which will remove the active comment. Sometimes, there are comments left that are not utilized any longer, such as implemented TO-DO comments, UNDONE comment that is now complete, etc. We will use the RefactoringProvider control shipped in DevExpress Refactor! Pro for this purpose.

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Refactor! Pro/DXCore components – Refactoring provider

September 30th, 2011 Comments off

The RefactoringProvider DXCore component (shipped in Refactor! Pro) provides a specific code refactoring operation, which can improve your source code without changing its logic in a definite context.

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CodeRush code issues specific to constructors

September 29th, 2011 Comments off

A constructor is a special class member that is executed when a new object is created. There are two types of constructors: instance constructors and static constructors. Instance constructors are used to create and initialize instances of classes or structures. A static constructor is used to initialize a class itself. A static constructor is called automatically to initialize the class before the first instance is created or any static members are invoked.

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Refactorings for anonymous methods and lambda expressions

September 27th, 2011 Comments off

An anonymous method is a method without a name – which is why it is called anonymous. You don’t declare anonymous methods like regular methods. Instead, they get declared right inside a member as an inline code block. This is one of the greatest benefits of an anonymous method – it removes the requirement to create a named method elsewhere in the code, especially for simple operations. For example, you are able to pass an inline anonymous method as a delegate parameter, which means that you can use anonymous methods anywhere a delegate type is expected:

Refactor! Anonymous method sample code

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Refactorings for anonymous types

September 27th, 2011 Comments off

Anonymous types are type declarations that are generated automatically by the compiler without having to explicitly declare it. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate several read-only properties into a single object that is not declared in the code. Anonymous types are supported by C# and Visual Basic programming languages starting from Visual Studio 2008.

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