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DXCore Services – Visual Studio Settings

December 14th, 2011

The VSSettings (Visual Studio Settings) DXCore service provides access to the Visual Studio IDE settings (Visual Studio version, environment settings, fonts and colors settings, etc).

Methods of this service:

Method name


EngageVBPrettyListing Engages VB’s pretty listing feature. This method does not check to see if VB is the active language, so you might want to perform that test before calling. After calling this method, you must call RestoreVBPrettyListing to ensure that pretty listing features are properly restored.
GetAtStartUpValue Gets the value of the “At startup” Visual Studio property. NOTE: If the value cannot be retrieved for any reason, AtStartUp.Unknown will be returned.
GetFontAndColorCategory( String) Retrieves the FontAndColorCategory object for the specified category name.
GetFontAndColorSetting( String) Returns a FontAndColorSetting object for the specified name from the “Text Editor” category.
GetFontAndColorSetting( String, String) Returns a FontAndColorSetting object for the specified name from the given category.
GetLanguageSettings( String) Returns the LanguageSettings object for the specified language.
GetTabSettings( ParserLanguageID) Returns the ITabSettings instance containing the tab size in characters and the value indicating whether to insert spaces instead of tabs.
GetTabSize(Guid) Returns the tab characters size for the specified language service ID.
GetVBProperty(String) Gets the EnvDTE.Property associated with the “Basic-Specific” page of the TextEditor options category.
GetVersion Returns the version of Visual Studio. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
GetVirtualSize(Guid) Returns the size of the virtual space.
GetWordWrap(Guid) Returns the value of the word wrap option.
GetXMLTagName Returns the name of the XML tag settings category.
ReloadEditorFont Reloads the editor font. This method is useful if the editor font is changed in a manner other than through the VS Fonts and Color settings page in the VS Options dialog.
RestoreVBPrettyListing Restores VB’s pretty listing feature to the state it was in before calling SuppressVBPrettyListing or EngageVBPrettyListing. You must call this method after calling SuppressVBPrettyListing or EngageVBPrettyListing to ensure that pretty listing features are properly restored.
SetAtStartUpValue( AtStartUp) Sets the value of the “At startup” Visual Studio property.
SuppressVBPrettyListing Suppresses VB’s pretty listing feature. This method does not check to see if VB is the active language, so you might want to perform that test before calling. After calling this method you must call RestoreVBPrettyListing to ensure that pretty listing features are properly restored.
VersionAtLeast( VisualStudioVersion) Determines whether the currently running version of Visual Studio is the same or greater than the specified version.
VersionAtMost( VisualStudioVersion) Determines whether the currently running version of Visual Studio is the same or less than the specified version.
VersionGreaterThan( VisualStudioVersion) Determines whether the currently running version of Visual Studio is greater than the specified version.
VersionIs( VisualStudioVersion) Determines whether the currently running version of Visual Studio is the same as the specified version.
VersionLessThan( VisualStudioVersion) Determines whether the currently running version of Visual Studio is less than the specified version.


Property name


BackgroundColor Gets the background color of the code editor.
BoldFontHandle Gets the handle of the bold fonts used by text views.
Bookmark Gets the “Bookmark” FontAndColorSetting instance.
BraceMatching Gets the “Brace Matching ” FontAndColorSetting instance.
BreakpointDisabled Gets the “Breakpoint Disabled” FontAndColorSetting instance.
BreakpointEnabled Gets the “Breakpoint Enabled” FontAndColorSetting instance.
BreakpointError Gets the “Breakpoint Error” FontAndColorSetting instance.
BreakpointWarning Gets the “Breakpoint Warning” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CallReturn Gets the “Call Return” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CollapsibleText Gets the “Collapsible Text” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Comment Gets the “Comment” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CompilerError Gets the “Compiler Error” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CSSComment Gets the “CSS Comment” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CSSKeyword Gets the “CSS Keyword” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CSSPropertyName Gets the “CSS Property Name” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CSSPropertyValue Gets the “CSS Property Value” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CSSSelector Gets the “CSS Selector” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CSSStringValue Gets the “CSS String Value” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CurrentListLocation Gets the “Current list location” FontAndColorSetting instance.
CurrentStatement Gets the “Current Statement” FontAndColorSetting instance.
DebuggerDataChanged Gets the “Debugger Data Changed” FontAndColorSetting instance.
DisassemblyFileName Gets the “Disassembly File Name” FontAndColorSetting instance.
DisassemblySource Gets the “Disassembly Source” FontAndColorSetting instance.
DisassemblySymbol Gets the “Disassembly Symbol ” FontAndColorSetting instance.
DisassemblyText Gets the “Disassembly Text” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Environment Gets the EnvironmentSettings instance.
EnvironmentFontCategory Gets the FontAndColorCategory object for the “Environment Font” category. NOTE: This is only valid in Visual Studio 2008 or later. In earlier versions of Visual Studio, this will return null.
ExcludedCode Gets the “Excluded Code” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Font Gets the font used in the code editor.
FontCharSet Gets the CharSet of the font used in the code editor.
FontName Gets the name of the font used in the code editor.
FontSize Gets the size of the font used in the code editor.
FunctionBlockStart Gets the “Function Block Start” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HasBreakingFormatting Gets the value indicating whether the current Visual Studio has breaking formatting.
HasInstantLineChanges CommittedEvent Gets the value indicating whether the current Visual Studio has the instant line changes committed event.
HasRestorableLineMarkers Gets the value indicating whether the current Visual Studio has restorable line markers.
HasTextChangedEventsQueue Gets the value indicating whether the current Visual Studio has the text changed events queue.
HTMLAttributeName Gets the “HTML Attribute Name” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HTMLAttributeValue Gets the “HTML Attribute Value ” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HTMLComment Gets the “HTML Comment” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HTMLElementName Gets the “HTML Element Name” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HTMLEntity Gets the “HTML Entity” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HTMLOperator Gets the “HTML Operator” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HTMLServerSideScript Gets the “HTML Server-Side Script” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HTMLString Gets the “HTML String” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HTMLTagDelimiter Gets the “HTML Tag Delimiter” FontAndColorSetting instance.
HTMLTagText Gets the “HTML Tag Text” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Identifier Gets the “Identifier” FontAndColorSetting instance.
InactiveSelectedText Gets the “Inactive Selected Text” FontAndColorSetting instance.
IndicatorMargin Gets the “Indicator Margin” FontAndColorSetting instance.
IndicatorMarginVisible Gets the “Indicator Margin Visible” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Keyword Gets the “Keyword” FontAndColorSetting instance.
LineNumbers Gets the “Line Numbers” FontAndColorSetting instance.
MemoryAddress Gets the “Memory Address” FontAndColorSetting instance.
MemoryChanged Gets the “Memory Changed” FontAndColorSetting instance.
MemoryData Gets the “Memory Data” FontAndColorSetting instance.
MemoryUnreadable Gets the “Memory Unreadable” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Number Gets the “Number” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Operator Gets the “Operator” FontAndColorSetting instance.
OtherError Gets the “Other Error” FontAndColorSetting instance.
OverType Gets the “Over Type” FontAndColorSetting instance.
PlainText Gets the “Plain Text” FontAndColorSetting instance.
PreprocessorKeyword Gets the “Preprocessor Keyword” FontAndColorSetting instance.
ReadOnlyRegion Gets the “Read-Only Region” FontAndColorSetting instance.
RegisterData Gets the “Register Data” FontAndColorSetting instance.
RegisterNAT Gets the “Register NAT” FontAndColorSetting instance.
RegularFontHandle Gets the handle of the regular font used in the code editor.
SelectedText Gets the “Selected Text” FontAndColorSetting instance.
SelectionMarginVisible Gets the “Selection Margin Visible” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Shortcut Gets the “Shortcut” FontAndColorSetting instance.
SmartEditorError Gets the “Smart Editor Error” FontAndColorSetting instance.
StaleCode Gets the “Stale Code” FontAndColorSetting instance.
String Gets the “String” FontAndColorSetting instance.
TextEditor Gets the TextEditorSettings instance.
UndoCaretMovements Gets the value indicating whether caret movements and text selections are included in the undo list.
UserKeyword Gets the “User Keyword” FontAndColorSetting instance.
UserTypes Gets the “User Types” FontAndColorSetting instance.
UserTypesDelegates Gets the “User Types (Delegates)” FontAndColorSetting instance.
UserTypesEnums Gets the “User Types (Enums)” FontAndColorSetting instance.
UserTypesInterfaces Gets the “User Types (Interfaces)” FontAndColorSetting instance.
UserTypesValueTypes Gets the “User Types (Value types)” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Version Gets the Visual Studio version string, suitable for use in registry key names.
VisibleWhiteSpace Gets the “Visible White Space” FontAndColorSetting instance.
VisualStudioVersion Gets a VisualStudioVersion enumeration value.
WizardCode Gets the “Wizard Code” FontAndColorSetting instance.
XMLDocComment Gets the “XML Doc Comment” FontAndColorSetting instance.
XMLTag Gets the “XML Tag” FontAndColorSetting instance.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 11.2 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Dec/15/2011
ID: D135

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