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DXCore Services – Command

October 31st, 2011

The Command DXCore Service provides access to the DXCore actions and Visual Studio commands.

Here are methods of this service:

Method name


AddNamed(String, String, String) Adds a named command and registers it exclusively with Visual Studio (and not with CodeRush). If you want to register a command with Visual Studio, it is recommended to drop an Action DXCore control on your plug-in form and set its properties as required.
Delete(String) Removes the given named Visual Studio command.
DeleteAllStartingWith (String) Deletes all Visual Studio commands starting with the specified prefix in the CodeRush category (e.g., “CodeRush.” + prefix).
DeleteAllStartingWith (String, String) Deletes all Visual Studio commands starting with the specified prefix and category.
DeleteAllStartingWith (String, String, string[]) Deletes all Visual Studio commands starting with the specified prefix and category, except for the commands listed in the given “exceptions” string array.
DeleteAllStartingWith (String, string[]) Deletes all Visual Studio commands starting with the specified prefix in the CodeRush category (e.g., “CodeRush.” + aCommandPrefix).
Execute(Command) Executes the specified Visual Studio command. If the command is null or cannot be executed, this method returns false.
Execute(Command, String) Executes the specified Visual Studio command. If the command is null or cannot be executed, this method returns false.
Execute(Guid, Int32) Executes the Visual Studio command represented by the specified command group and id. If the command does not exist or cannot be executed, this method returns false.
Execute(Guid, Int32, String) Executes the Visual Studio command represented by the specified command group and id. If the command does not exist or cannot be executed, this method returns false.
Execute(String) Executes an action or command registered with the DXCore and/or Visual Studio. If the action or command does not exist or cannot be executed, this method returns false.
Execute(String, Int32) Executes the Visual Studio command represented by the specified command group and id. If the command does not exist or cannot be executed, this method returns false.
Execute(String, Int32, String) Executes the Visual Studio command represented by the specified command group and id. If the command does not exist or cannot be executed, this method returns false.
Execute(String, String) Executes an action or command registered with the DXCore and/or Visual Studio. If the action or command does not exist or cannot be executed, this method returns false.
Exists(String) Returns true if the specified command exists and has been registered with Visual Studio.
FindPopup(MenuBar, String, Boolean) Searches a MenuBar for a popup menu control whose Bar.Name matches name. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
Get(String) Returns the Visual Studio registered command given by name. “CodeRush.” is used as the command category if a category is not specified.
Get(String, String) Returns the Visual Studio command specified by the category and name.
GetFirstStartingWith (String, String) Returns the first Visual Studio command starting with the specified prefix in the specified category.
Unregister(Action) Unregisters an Action so that it is no longer available in DXCore and the IDE. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 11.1 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Oct/31/2011
ID: D125

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