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DXCore Services – Windows

December 14th, 2011

The Windows DXCore service provides methods for Visual Studio windows manipulation.

Methods of this service:

Method name


CloseIntellisense(Boolean) Closes the Intellisense window if active.
ConvertWindowType( vsWindowType) Converts an EnvDTE.vsWindowType enum to a WindowType enum.
ConvertWindowType( WindowType) Converts a WindowType enum to an EnvDTE.vsWindowType enum.
DisplayIntellisense Shows the Intellisense window if appropriate.
ForceCloseTipWindow Closes the tip window if active.
GetCodeWindowFromView( IVsTextView) Returns the corresponding IVsCodeWindow from an IVsTextView interface.
GetWindow(Guid) Returns the EnvDTE.Window instance for the specified Guid.
GetWindow(String) Returns the EnvDTE.Window instance for the specified Guid as a string.
GetWindow(Type) Returns the EnvDTE.Window instance for the specified Type instance.
IsCodeWindow(Window) Determines if the given window is a text window.
IsDesigner(Window) Determines if the given window is a form designer.
IsHTMLCodeWindow( Window) Determines if the given window is an HTML window in HTML (Source) view.
IsHTMLDesigner(Window) Determines if the given window is an HTML window opened in Design view.
IsHTMLWindow(Window) Determines if the given window is an HTML window.
ShowStartPage Displays the Visual Studio start page.
ShowWindow(Guid) Shows the window specified by Guid.
ShowWindow(String) Shows the window specified by Guid as a string.
ShowWindow(Type) Shows the window specified by Type instance.


Property name


Active Gets the active window.
ActiveDocument Gets the active document window.
ActiveTipWindowRect Gets the TextView-relative coordinates of the active Tip window. Returns the Rect.Empty instance if no tip window is active.
ActiveType Returns the window type of the active window.
CompletorPaneHandle Gets the handle of the completer pane. Returns HWND.Empty if no completer pane is active.
IntellisenseEngine Returns the IIntellisenseEngine instance with the Intellisense related APIs.
IsIntellisenseActive Returns true if the Intellisense window is visible.
IsTipWindowActive Returns true if the Tip window is visible.
LastActive Returns the last active window.
LastActiveType Returns the window type of the last active window.
TipWindowHandle Gets the handle of the most recently displayed tool tip window. Returns HWND.Empty if no tool tip windows are active.
Toolbox Returns the instance of the Toolbox window.
VisibleTipWindows Returns an array of the currently visible tip windows.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 11.2 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Dec/15/2011
ID: D136

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