Home > Options/Settings > Changing global identifiers style in CodeRush

Changing global identifiers style in CodeRush

May 14th, 2012

Identifiers are names of various program elements in the code that uniquely identify a code element like namespace, class, interface, method, variable and others.

There are numerous identifiers style conventions which include usge of the Pascal or camel casing, use of underscore as a prefix, etc. That is why CodeRush allows you to configure the identifier style that will be globally applied for all features that create or generate new code: refactorings, code providers, code templates and others.

The options page is named Identifier and is located in the Editor | Code Style category in the Options Dialog:

CodeRush Identifiers Options Page

The page allows you to tweak options for the following elements:

  • Fields
  • Parameters
  • Local Variables

The following options can be changed:

  • Casing: Pascal or camel
  • Prefix of an identifier name
  • Suffix of an identifier name

Once something is modified, you can see the preview of your change in the corresponding Sample box.

This options page is language dependent. You can change the identifier style for every language supported by CodeRush.

Products: CodeRush Pro
Versions: 11.2 and up
VS IDEs: 2008 and up
Updated: May/14/2012
ID: T053

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