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DXCore Services – SmartTag

October 31st, 2011

The SmartTag DXCore service provides access to the smart tags and popup menu manipulation APIs.

Here are methods of this service:

Method name


ClosePopupMenu Closes the Popup menu. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
CreateManager(String) Creates and returns ISmartTagManager of the specified type.
Get(String) Returns a smart tag provider with the specified name.
GetBigHintLocation Gets the best location of the SmartTag big hint.
GetPopupMenuPoint Gets the best point for the popup menu location.
GetSmartTagItem(String) Returns a smart tag menu item with the specified path.
HidePopupMenu Hides the Popup menu.
HideSmartTag Hides the Smart Tag.
ShowPopupMenu(Point, SmartTagProviderBase) Displays a popup menu inside the currently active code editor.
ShowPopupMenu(Point, SmartTagProviderBase, Boolean) Displays a popup menu inside the currently active code editor.
ShowPopupMenu(Point, SmartTagProviderBase[]) Displays a popup menu inside the currently active code editor.
ShowPopupMenu(Point, SmartTagProviderBase[], Boolean) Displays a popup menu inside the currently active code editor.
ShowPopupMenu(Point, SmartTagProviderBase[], Boolean, Boolean) Displays a popup menu inside the currently active code editor. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
ShowSmartTag Displays the Smart Tag inside the currently active code editor.
ShowSmartTag (SmartTagProviderBase) Displays the Smart Tag inside the currently active code editor.
ShowSmartTag (SmartTagProviderBase[]) Displays the Smart Tag inside the currently active code editor.
UpdateCodeFixContext (SourcePoint) Updates the Code Issues Fix context with the given caret source point.
UpdateCodeFixContext (SourcePoint, SourceRange) Updates the Code Issues Fix context with the given caret source point and selection source range.
UpdateCodeFixContext (TextView, SourcePoint, SourceRange) Updates the Code Issues Fix context with the given caret source point, selection source range and a text view.
UpdateContext Updates the SmartTag context. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.


Property name


AvailableProviders Returns an array of all available providers.
CodeFixContext Gets the context for the Code Issues code fixes.
Context Gets the context for the Smart Tag.
IsPopupMenuVisible Returns true if Popup menu is visible.
IsSmartTagVisible Returns true if Smart Tag is visible.
Providers Returns an array of all registered providers.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 12.1 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Jun/09/2011
ID: D126

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