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DXCore Services – Markers

July 4th, 2011

The Markers DXCore service provides methods for dropping, swapping, collecting and managing navigation markers and bookmarks in source code.

Methods of this service:

Method name


AddBookmark(TextDocument, Int32, Int32) Adds a bookmark at the specified position.
Clear Clears all markers and invalidates all text views of the active text document.
Collect Moves the editor cursor to the topmost marker on the stack, and removes that marker from the stack.
Drop (52 overloads) Drops a marker in the active document at the current caret position.
DropSelection (52 overloads) Drops a selection marker in the active document at the current caret position.
GetEnumerator Returns a markers’ enumerator.
GotoBookmark(String) Moves the editor caret to the specified bookmark.
GotoNextBookmark Moves the editor caret to the next bookmark.
GotoPreviousBookmark Moves the editor caret to the previous bookmark.
Remove(IMarker) Removes the specified marker.
RemoveBookmark(String) Removes the specified bookmark marker.
Swap Swaps the editor caret with the topmost marker and drops a new marker at the source position (initial caret position).
ToggleBookmark(String, TextDocument, Int32, Int32) Toggles the bookmark at the specified position (adds or removes a bookmark).


Property name Description
Count Returns the total number of markers in this session.
Item Returns a marker by the specified index.
TemporalMarkerLifeInSeconds The life of a temporal marker, in seconds.
Top Returns the top marker on the marker stack.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 11.1 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: May/31/2012
ID: D097

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