
Posts Tagged ‘Structure’

Navigating in the CodeRush abstract source code tree

September 28th, 2012 Comments off

When CodeRush/DXCore has parsed the source code, an abstract source code tree is built. You can see the structure of the code tree using the Expression Lab diagnostic tool window. When you understand the source tree, you can use several small tools to quickly navigate inside children and siblings of the tree.

Here are available actions that allow you to quickly jump to different logical blocks inside the source tree. All actions move the editor caret to the desired tree node:


Short description


NavPreviousSibling Move to previous sibling Ctrl + Up Arrow
NavNextSibling Move to next sibling Ctrl + Down Arrow
NavParent Move to parent Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow
NavFirstChild Move to first child Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow
NavLastChild Move to last child {Underfined}

Note that some of the shortcuts are disabled by default (e.g., NavPreviousSibling and NavNextSibling).

Having these tools in your arsenal may boost your navigation performance inside the code editor a lot. For instance, you can press Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down to jump between previous and next members of a class.

Products: CodeRush Pro
Versions: 12.1 and up
VS IDEs: 2008 and up
Updated: Sep/28/2012
ID: C194