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Code Issues hints for expressions

September 28th, 2012

Here are the code issues for different expressions. If the fix is applied, following a hint it may optimize the code and/or improve its readability.

Null coalescing operation can be used


The null coalescing operation verifies the value of a variable for ‘nullness’. If the value is not equal to ‘null’, a variable’s value is returned. If it is equal to ‘null’, a substitute value, provided as a second operand of the operation, is returned. The null coalescing operation simplifies the syntax of the ternary operation, for instance. Converting an expression to a null coalescing operation may be increase code readability.


CodeRush Null Coalescing Operation Can Be Used Sample

How to fix:

  • Apply the Compress to Null Coalescing Operation refactoring:

CodeRush Null Coalescing Operation Can Be Used Fix

Redundant String.Format call


The String.Format call allows composing a string data, that combines other strings and referenced variable values. If the String.Format call does not take referenced variable values, a simple string concatenation operation or even a single string value can be used instead of String.Format. This may optimize the code and improve its clarify.


CodeRush Redundant String Format Call Sample

How to fix:

  • Apply the Remove Redundant Call refactoring:

CodeRush Remove Redundant Call Fix

Redundant ToString() call


There are cases when the ToString() call is redundant. In these cases, the compiler automatically calls ToString(). If a call ToString() is not required, a hint is shown suggesting you remove it.


CodeRush Redundant ToString Call Sample

How to fix:

  • Apply the Remove Redundant Call refactoring:

CodeRush Redundant ToString Call Fix

String.Compare can be used


Strings can be compared using the equality operator ‘==’. However, this operator performs an exact, case-sensitive comparison of two strings.. For better support of string comparison, the String.Compare call can be used. This code issue of a hint type shows you that the equality operator can be changed into the String.Compare call.


CodeRush String Compare Can Be Used Sample

How to fix:

CodeRush Use String Compare Fix

String.Format can be used


String.Format can process typical strings and variable references. Sometimes, instead of concatenating these pieces with a string concatenation operator, it might be better to use the special String.Format call for this purpose. This may improve code readability and clarity.


CodeRush String Format Can Be Used Sample

How to fix:

CodeRush Use String Format Fix

Ternary expression can be used


The conditional operator allows you to define a boolean condition and two expressions as a result of a boolean operation. Using the simplified ternary expression can improve code readability, because it allows you to compress if-else statements to a single expression.


CodeRush Ternary Expression Can Be Used Sample

How to fix:

  • Apply the Compress to Ternary Expression refactoring:

CodeRush Compress To Ternary Expression Fix

Products: CodeRush Pro
Versions: 12.1 and up
VS IDEs: 2008 and up
Updated: Sep/28/2012
ID: C193

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