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DXCore Services – Strings

November 22nd, 2011

The Strings DXCore service manipulates DXCore string providers. It has methods that expand and format string providers for further expansion inside the code editor using the DXCore plug-ins.

Members of this service:



Expand(String) Returns a string with all string providers expanded that are found in the given text.
Format(String) Formats a string provider for further expansion using the given name.
Format(String, string[]) Formats a string provider for further expansion using the given name and parameters list.
Format(StringProviderBase) Formats a string provider for further expansion using the given string provider.
Format(StringProviderBase, string[]) Formats a string provider for further expansion using the given string provider and parameters list.
Get(String, String) Returns a string supplied by the specified string provider name and parameters. Throws an exception if the specified string provider is not found.
ProvidersByLanguage(String) Returns an array of all string providers for the given language ID.
Providers Returns an array of all string providers.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 11.1 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Nov/22/2011
ID: D131

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