
Posts Tagged ‘Parallel’

Refactorings to execute statements asynchronously

September 17th, 2012 2 comments

In continuing with the ‘Refactorings for simplifying of the .NET 4.0 parallel computing development‘ thread, let’s review the additional refactoring for executing statements asynchronously called in the same manner – Execute Statement Asynchronously. The refactoring is available in two versions:

  • Execute Statement Asynchronously (FromAsync)
  • Execute Statement Asynchronously (StartNew)

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Refactorings for simplifying of .NET 4.0 parallel computing development

May 18th, 2011 Comments off

Many personal computers and workstations have two or four cores that enable multiple threads to be executed simultaneously. .Net Framework ver. 4.0 has been introduced a standardized and simplified way for creating robust, scalable and reliable multi-threaded applications. The parallel programming extension of .NET 4.0 allows the developer to create applications that exploit the power of multi-core and multi-processor computers. The flexible thread APIs of the extension are much simpler to use and more powerful than standard .NET threads.

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