
Posts Tagged ‘Warnings’

Code Issues for Switch (Select) and Case statements

December 14th, 2011 Comments off

A switch statement executes logic, dependent on the value of a given expression (parameter). The types of values a switch statement operates on can be boolean, enum, integral types, and strings. Each switch statement can contain any number of case statements, but no two case constants within the same switch statement can have the same value. Each case statement defines a value to compare against the original expression. You may also include a default label following all other case statements. If none of the other choices match, then the default choice is taken and its statements are executed. If there is no default label, control is transferred outside the switch.

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Code Issues – Member is not implemented

October 31st, 2011 Comments off


The Member is not implemented code issue of the warning type is shown for the members that do not provide an implementation. Not providing an implementation may be a sign of incomplete code.

The code issue is shown for non-interface, non-abstract, non-virtual, non-extern members – both methods and properties. It is not shown for constructors and destructors of a class.

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Code Issues – Catch block is empty

February 10th, 2011 Comments off


This code issue shows a warning when the catch block is empty. Usually empty catch block is a bad idea, because you are silently swallowing an error condition and then continuing an execution of the program, or the program may simply fail for an unknown reason.

In general, when an exception occurs, it can be thrown up to the caller, or it can be caught in a catch block. When catching an exception, it is recommended to inform the user about the problem, or log it for a future review.

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