
Posts Tagged ‘Undocumented’

Unbound Actions – Clear Project Cache

February 16th, 2011 Comments off

The Clear Project Cache action invalidates the IDE Tools cache for the current solution. The solution cache represents an on-disk cache, containing important information for all projects for every solution you had opened, such as metadata, project symbols, code issues stuff, etc. This cache is built for every solution while it is opened and parsed, and maintained by DXCore automatically.

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Unbound Actions – Reopen last closed document

December 20th, 2010 Comments off

Have you ever accidentally closed a document in Visual Studio? To reopen the file, you have to browse it in the Solution Explorer or any other file explorers. Like most browsers, which have the ability to reopen accidentally closed tabs, CodeRush has the same feature. The action providing this feature is not bound to any key. So, if you’d like to use it, you have to create a new shortcut (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+T) and bind it to the ReopenLastClosedDocument action. This feature restores up to 10 of the most recently closed documents.

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