
Posts Tagged ‘Sources’

DXCore Services – Language

April 11th, 2011 Comments off

The Language DXCore service is one of the most important services that provides access to the programming language fundamentals, including access to language extensions. Language extensions are DXcore plug-in extensions, which implement specific programming language support for Visual Studio, including parsers and code generators.

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How to parse source code using the DXCore integrated code parsers

April 11th, 2011 3 comments

There are times when you need to parse specific source files or blocks of code. Obviously, the DXCore Framework has many built-in parsers for various programming languages. They can be used inside the Visual Studio environment, or outside an IDE in any other application type, such as a Console App, for example. Later, this kind of app (a Console App) can be used in the project building process for code validation, code clean-up, automatic refactoring and any other task.

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CodeRush – Shared Source Solution

September 22nd, 2010 Comments off

CodeRush Pro is shipping with a plug-ins sample solution called “Shared Source”. It has several projects with open source plug-ins that are intended for learning plug-ins development using the DXCore framework. This solution is located inside your installation folder, e.g.:

C:\Program Files\DevExpress 2010.1\IDETools\System\CodeRush\SOURCES

You’re welcome to modify and compile the source code as you like.

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