
Posts Tagged ‘Framework’

Silverlight testing framework support in the Unit Testing Service

August 16th, 2011 Comments off

The CodeRush Unit Test Runner supports running tests from the Silverlight Unit Test Framework which is a part of Silverlight Toolkit now, so it’s easy to test your Silverlight applications.

Once you install the Silverlight Unit Test Framework, you are able to create the Silverlight Unit Test Application project. Here is what the Add Project dialog looks with the Silverlight tab highlighted:

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DXCore plug-ins architecture and design philosophy

August 19th, 2010 Comments off

A feature of CodeRush and/or CodeRush Xpress products) resides in DXCore plug-ins. A plug-in is special class that resides in an assembly that is loaded into the Visual Studio environment when DXCore starts-up.

While plug-ins implement the high level solutions you see, they don’t do all the work. Each plug-in references a namespace in the DXCore, which holds a powerful framework packed with low-level services and events.

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DevExpress DXCore Framework

June 25th, 2010 Comments off

The DXCore provides services, wizards, and a visual extensibility framework designed to make it easy to extend Visual Studio. All products like CodeRush and Refactor! Pro were designed upon DXCore for Visual Studio® .NET. In the interest of encouraging developers to be pro-active about productivity, DevExpress is making available for general download of DXCore framework so that developers can build their own productivity plug-ins to extend the Visual Studio themselves using a simple visual framework for IDE extension. The DXCore is absolutely free for personal use but it is not open source.

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