
Archive for the ‘DXCore’ Category

DXCore Services – Debugger

October 6th, 2010 Comments off

The Debugger service provides access to the Visual Studio debugger and its current mode properties.




Break Causes the current process to pause its execution. This method waits for the debugger to enter break mode before returning.
Break(Boolean) Causes the current process to pause its execution. Takes a boolean parameter which specifies whether this method should wait for the debugger to enter break mode before returning or return immediately.
DetachAll Detaches the debugger from all attached programs.

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DXCore Services – Constants

October 6th, 2010 Comments off

The Constants service contains DXCore global constants for text commands. Unfortunately, it is not very useful at the moment.

The following fields are available:



TextCommandBegin The character constant for the text command begin.
TextCommandEnd The character constant for the text command end.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 10.1 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Oct/06/2010
ID: D020

DXCore adornments architecture

October 6th, 2010 Comments off

The Visual Studio 2010 IDE shell has been rewritten using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), in other words, it has a completely different code editor based on the new WPF technology. Earlier versions of DXCore used GDI and Win32 API calls to paint the inside code editor before Visual Studio 2010 release, and would not work inside the new code editor. To bring painting support to Visual Studio 2010 and leave the support of previous Visual Studio versions, DXCore has been also rewritten using the new painting abstraction layer, which has a split code base for different platforms (WPF, GDI). This abstraction layer is called the “Adornments” architecture. This architecture allows having a single code base for all versions of Visual Studio which helps to maintain both graphic platforms at once and have independent painting, non-dependant on the version of IDE used.

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DXCore Services – Color

September 27th, 2010 Comments off

The Color service provides methods for operations with a color, such as blending, brightening, inverting, etc.

Methods of this service:

Name Description
AdjustBrightness(Color, Int32) Adjusts the brightness of a specified color by the specified amount.
Blend(Color, Color) Blends two colors to produce a third color.
Blend(Color, Color, Byte) Blends two colors to produce a third color with a specified percent of the first color.
Invert(Color) Inverts a color.
IsMatch(Color, Color) Determines if two colors are equivalent.
IsMatch(Color, Color, Int32) Determines if two colors are equivalent with the specified tolerance used in the comparison.
ReloadColors Loads custom color settings from storage.

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DXCore Services – Breakpoint

September 27th, 2010 Comments off

The Breakpoint service provides methods for retrieving and toggling breakpoints in the IDE code editor.

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DXCore Services – Context

September 27th, 2010 Comments off

The Context service is responsible for the DXCore contexts system. It provides access to context providers and methods that report whether specified context is satisfied.

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DevExpress DXCore framework services list

September 27th, 2010 Comments off

Here is the list of services (and a few properties) DevExpress DXCore provides, which are accessible through the main CodeRush object:

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DXCore – Contexts overview

September 25th, 2010 Comments off

The context determines if a particular feature is appropriate for use when working inside Visual Studio IDE. It is useful for distinguishing conditions where a feature should be available. If a feature with a specified context is available, then it means that the context is satisfied. For example, you may apply a context for a feature to be available while editing a source code, but not while IDE is in design-time or a model dialog is open.

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