
Archive for the ‘CodeRush’ Category

Code Issues fixes and suppression

July 25th, 2011 2 comments

Code Issues can be easily fixed with the corresponding code fixes. The code fixes are operations that allow you to automatically fix the issue by changing the source code, so the issue is no longer valid for the block of code in question. The code fixes are refactoring or code providers assigned to the code issues as fixes.

There are several ways to fix an issue:

  1. Code Fix hint
  2. Zoom Window
  3. Manually apply a fix

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Code Issues navigation techniques

July 25th, 2011 Comments off

Analyzing the quality of your source code may take some time, especially if there are hundreds or thousands of code issues. While checking the code issues, you have to navigate thought all of them inside the entire solution. Here are available navigation techniques to switch between code issues:

  1. Code Fix hint
  2. Keyboard shortcuts
  3. Code Issues tool window

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Unit testing inside the code editor and the Solution Explorer

July 21st, 2011 2 comments

Let’s compare the benefit of the CodeRush Unit Testing Service against the native Visual Studio unit testing support as an example. The first things that may catch your attention are test icons near test methods, test fixtures and namespaces containing test cases:

CodeRush Test icons inside code editor

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CodeRush Unit Testing Service overview

July 19th, 2011 Comments off

The Unit Testing Technology shipped in CodeRush Pro allows you to manage, navigate, run, and debug unit test cases of different unit testing frameworks. The technology consists of several parts:

  • Different unit testing frameworks support
  • Code editor UI and test runner tool window
  • Shortcuts and code templates for creating, running and debugging tests
  • Programmatic extensibility and support for managing testing frameworks

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Machine.Specifications (mspec) testing framework support in Unit Test Runner

July 14th, 2011 Comments off

The CodeRush Unit Test Service supports the running and debugging of testing scenarios of the Mashine.Specifications (mspec) framework.
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Code Issues – Undisposed local

July 13th, 2011 Comments off

The Undisposed local code issue of the warning type highlights local variables that implement the System.IDisposable interface and are not explicitly disposed. The IDisposable interface was designed to provide a standard way to release unmanaged resources by calling its Dispose method. If the object is IDisposable, it is a good idea to dispose of it when you no longer need it, especially if the object uses unmanaged resources. These are resources that the .NET garbage collector does not manage on our behalf and is unable to clean-up automatically. They include items such as streams, files, database connections, handles and other operating system objects. If the memory and system resources that they use are not properly released, a program may suffer from memory leaks or problems due to locked resources.

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CodeRush Code Issues specific to extension methods

July 11th, 2011 Comments off

Extension methods allow developers to expand existing types without having to sub-class, recompile or modify the original type. They were introduced as a feature of CSharp version 3.0 and Visual Basic version 9.0. Such methods are just like static methods invoked by using instance method syntax.

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CodeRush Tool Windows – Message Log

July 5th, 2011 Comments off

The Message Log is a CodeRush/DXCore diagnostics tool window that records a history of important IDE Tools and Visual Studio events live. The window is useful for diagnostic purposes and finding clues to unexpected DevExpress IDE Tools behavior. To open it, click the DevExpress | Tool Windows | Diagnostics | Message Log menu item:

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