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DXCore Services – Multi Select

June 13th, 2012

The MultiSelect DXCore service provides access to the Multi Select CodeRush feature.

Methods of this service:



Add(TextView) Adds the selection in the specified text view to this view’s MultiSelect list.
Clear(TextView) Clears the multi-selection and removes it from the specified text view.
CopyToClipboard(MultiSelect) Copies the specified MultiSelect object to the clipboard.
CopyToClipboard(TextView) Copies the MultiSelect object from the specified text view to the clipboard.
CutToClipboard(TextView) Copies the MultiSelect object from the specified text view to the clipboard and removes all selections.
Delete(MultiSelect, String) Deletes the multi-selection specified by the MultiSelect object.
FromClipboard Gets the MultiSelect object from the clipboard.
Get(TextView) Gets the MultiSelect object associated with the specified TextView. Returns null if no multi-selection exists.
GetRedo(TextView) Gets the MultiSelect object for restoration from the specified text view.
IsOnClipboard Returns true if the clipboard contains the MultiSelect object.
Redo(TextView) Restores the multi-selections for the specified text view.
RedoIsAvailable(TextView) Returns true if a multi-select Redo operation is available for the specified TextView.
RefreshAllHighlighting Refreshes highlighting for all multi-select instances.
Remove(TextView) Removes the MultiSelect object from the specified TextView.
SelectionExists(TextView) Returns true if the specified TextView contains a MultiSelect object with at least one selection defined.
Set(TextView, MultiSelect) Sets the MultiSelect object for the specified TextView.
SetHighlightColor(Color) Sets the highlight color for multi-select instances.
SetHighlighter (ISelectionHighlighter) Sets the selection highlighter to paint multi-select instances.
SetRedo(TextView, MultiSelect) Sets the MultiSelect object for restoring for the specified text view.
Undo(TextView) Removes the multi-selection for the specified text view.
UndoIsAvailable(TextView) Returns true if a multi-select Undo operation is available for the specified TextView.




HighlightColor Gets the highlight color of the multi selection.
Highlighter Gets the selection highlighter to paint multi-select instances.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 12.1 and up
VS IDEs: 2008 and up
Updated: Jun/13/2012
ID: D152

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