Home > Services > DXCore Services – Assembly

DXCore Services – Assembly

June 13th, 2012

The Assembly DXCore service provides access to the plug-in assemblies of the DXCore Framework.

Methods of this service:



Assemblies(DXCoreAssemblyType) Returns an array of DXCore assemblies of the specified assembly type.
CoreAssemblies Returns an array of the registered DXCore assemblies.
GetCustomAttribute(Assembly, Type) Gets a custom attribute of the specified attribute type from the passed-in assembly.
PlugInAssemblies Returns an array of the registered CodeRush non-system plug-ins.
RegisterAssembly(Assembly) Registers a DXCore assembly. This method should not be called by plug-in developers. It is used by the DXCore loader.
SystemPlugInAssemblies Returns an array of the registered DXCore system plug-ins.




EvaluationAssemblies Gets a collection of DXCore assemblies that will expire after the trial period ends. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
ExpiredAssemblies Gets a collection of DXCore assemblies that have expired. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
FutureAssemblies Gets a collection of DXCore assemblies whose run window has not yet opened (the system date/time is *before* this assembly’s start time). Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
Item(String) Gets a registered DXCore assembly by name.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 12.1 and up
VS IDEs: 2008 and up
Updated: Jun/13/2012
ID: D153

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