Home > Coding Helpers > Changing an explicit cast-expression to an ‘as’ operator and back

Changing an explicit cast-expression to an ‘as’ operator and back

February 16th, 2012

Objects can be converted from one type to another, assuming that the types are compatible. Often this is achieved using implicit conversion or explicitly with the cast operator. To perform an explicit casting, there are two approaches used:

  • a cast-expression
  • an ‘as’ operator

A cast-expression is used to explicitly convert an expression to a given type. The cast operation forces the conversion, possibly losing some data along the way. Care must be taken, as it is possible to cause a run-time error, or receive unpredictable results when the destination casting type is too small to receive a large value of the cast expression.

The ‘as’ operator is used to explicitly convert a value to a given reference type or nullable type. Unlike the cast expression, the ‘as’ operator never throws an exception. Instead, if the indicated conversion is not possible, the resulting value is null.

To convert between explicit type cast approaches, you can use two code providers shipped in CodeRush Pro:

Use Implicit type cast

Converts an explicit type cast expression into an ‘as’ operator expression:

CodeRush Use Implicit Typecast preview

Use Explicit type cast

Converts an ‘as’ operator expression into an explicit type cast expression:

CodeRush Use Explicit Typecast preview

These code providers work in Visual Basic as well as in C#, using VB TryCast and CType operators.

Products: CodeRush Pro
Versions: 11.2 and up
VS IDEs: 2008 and up
Updated: Feb/16/2012
ID: C157

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