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DXCore Services – Test

December 20th, 2011

The Test DXCore service provides services for the functional tests runner.

Methods of this service:

Method name


Delay(Int32) Suspends the current thread for a specified time (in milliseconds).
DeleteTestFile(String) Deletes the specified temporary test file.
DeleteTestFile(String, String) Deletes the specified temporary test file.
ExtractTestFile(Assembly, String, String, String) Extracts the test file from resources embedded to the running assembly and creates a temporary copy at the specified path.
GetAllTests Returns the collection of all test cases. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
MouseClick Emulates the mouse click at the current mouse cursor position.
MouseClick(Control, Point) Emulates the mouse click at the specified point of the given control.
MouseClick(Control, Point, MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse click with the specified mouse buttons at the specified point of the given control.
MouseClick(MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse click with the specified mouse buttons at the current mouse cursor position.
MouseClick(Point) Emulates the mouse click at the specified point.
MouseClick(Point, MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse click at the specified point with the specified mouse buttons.
MouseDblClick Emulates the mouse double click at the current mouse cursor position.
MouseDblClick(Control, Point) Emulates the mouse double click at the specified point of the given control.
MouseDblClick(Control, Point, MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse double click with the specified mouse buttons at the specified point of the given control.
MouseDblClick(MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse double click with the specified mouse buttons at the current mouse cursor position.
MouseDblClick(Point) Emulates the mouse double click at the specified point.
MouseDblClick(Point, MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse double click at the specified point with the specified mouse buttons.
MouseDown Emulates the mouse down at the current mouse cursor position.
MouseDown(Control, Point) Emulates the mouse down at the specified point of the given control.
MouseDown(Control, Point, MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse down with the specified mouse buttons at the specified point of the given control.
MouseDown(MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse down with the specified mouse buttons at the current mouse cursor position.
MouseDown(Point) Emulates the mouse down at the specified point.
MouseDown(Point, MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse down at the specified point with the specified mouse buttons.
MouseUp Emulates the mouse up at the current mouse cursor position.
MouseUp(Control, Point) Emulates the mouse up at the specified point of the given control.
MouseUp(Control, Point, MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse up with the specified mouse buttons at the specified point of the given control.
MouseUp(MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse up with the specified mouse buttons at the current mouse cursor position.
MouseUp(Point) Emulates the mouse up at the specified point.
MouseUp(Point, MouseButtons) Emulates the mouse up at the specified point with the specified mouse buttons.
MoveMousePointTo(Control, Point) Moves the mouse cursor at the specified point of the given control.
MoveMousePointTo(Point) Moves the mouse cursor at the specified point.
OpenTestFile(String) Opens the specified test file and parses its source code. Returns null if the file does not exist or could not be parsed.
SendKey(Control, Char) Sends the specified character key code to the specified control.
SendKey(IntPtr, Char) Sends the specified character key code to the specified handle.
SendString(Control, String) Sends the specified keys sequence to the specified control.
SendString(IntPtr, String) Sends the specified keys sequence to the specified handle.
StartRunner(String, String, Int64, String) Starts the test runner. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.


Property name


KeyboardDelay Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds when sending keys to a keyboard. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
MouseMoveDelay Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds when moving the mouse cursor. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
Providers Returns an array of all registered test providers.
RunningTest Gets the test currently running, if any.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 11.2 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Dec/20/2011
ID: D138

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