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Highlighting an identifier and its references using CodeRush

August 29th, 2011

CodeRush has the Highlighting All References feature, based on the Tab to Next Reference feature, with the difference that you do not actually navigate between references. The feature simply highlights the current identifier and all its references. The default shortcut to apply the reference highlighting is Ctrl+Alt+U. Once performed on an identifier, you will see the identifier and its references highlighted in pink:

CodeRush Highlight All References preview

If you move the caret outside of the highlight – it will automatically disappear. Or, you can press the Enter key to accept the link, so it will go away. Don’t forget that you can perform the Tab to Next Reference feature if you would like to navigate between highlighted references.

Visual Studio 2010 has a similar highlighting of a word under the caret, however, a gray background is not as visually appealing as the highlight of this CodeRush feature. The color of the highlighting can be changed on the Editor | Painting | Navigation Fields options page in the Options Dialog:

CodeRush Navigation Fields options page

As always, you can change or add a new shortcut to apply the feature on the Shortcuts options page, using the HighlightReferences action name.

Products: CodeRush Pro
Versions: 11.1 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Aug/29/2011
ID: C125

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