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DXCore Services – Clipboard

May 21st, 2011

The Clipboard DXCore service provides access to the Windows clipboard. Contains methods for checking, retrieving, copying, cutting and pasting clipboard contents into the code editor.

Here are the methods of this service:

Name Description
Copy Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
Cut Cuts the current selection to the clipboard.
Cycle Cycles the clipboard ring and places the next available text on the clipboard.
FindData(string[]) Returns an object supporting the clipboard format specified by formats.
FindData(Type[]) Returns an object supporting the clipboard format specified by formats
GetData(String) Returns an object supporting the clipboard format specified by format
GetData(Type) Returns an object supporting the clipboard format specified by format
GetText Returns the text on the clipboard. GetText tries to obtain the “UnicodeText” format first, and checks for the “Text” format if “UnicodeText” is not available.
HasDataFormat(String) Returns true if the clipboard holds data that can be represented by the format specified.
HasDataFormat(Type) Returns true if the clipboard holds data that can be represented by the format specified.
HasType(String) Returns true if the clipboard has an identifier of the same type as that specified by type name.
Paste Pastes the current contents of the clipboard.


Name Description
AsComponent Returns the data on the clipboard as a deserialized Component.
AsHTML Returns the data on the clipboard as HTML.
AsImage Returns the data on the clipboard as an Image.
AsObject Returns the data on the clipboard as a deserialized object.
AsRTF Returns the data on the clipboard as RTF.
AsString Returns the data on the clipboard as string.
AsText Returns the data on the clipboard as text.
AsUnicodeText Returns the data on the clipboard as Unicode text.
DataIsFresh Returns true if the data in the clipboard originates from the current cursor position in the editor.
HasComponent Returns true if the clipboard holds a Component.
HasHTML Returns true if the clipboard holds data that can be represented as HTML.
HasImage Returns true if the clipboard holds data that can be represented as an Image.
HasObject Returns true if the clipboard holds a .NET object.
HasRTF Returns true if the clipboard holds data that can be represented in RTF (Rich Text Format).
HasText Returns true if the clipboard holds data that can be represented as text.
HasUnicodeText Returns true if the clipboard holds data that can be represented in Unicode text.
LastEntry Returns a ClipboardEntry instance of the last entry cut or copied to the clipboard.
LastOperation Returns the last clipboard operation performed in the IDE. The operation shall be – ClipboardOperation.Cut, ClipboardOperation.Copy, or ClipboardOperation.Unknown.
LastType Gets the TypeDeclaration instance for the identifier on the clipboard, if determinable at the time of the cut or copy operation.
MonitoringEnabled Gets or sets the value which specifies whether DXCore should monitor clipboard  operations. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 10.2 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: May/21/2011
ID: D083

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