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DXCore Services – LinkedIdentifiers

December 27th, 2010

Linked Identifiers are a built-in feature of DXCore, which allows you to simultaneously change similar pieces of the text (code) located in different places. The service provides access to the Linked Identifiers engine.

Methods of this service:



AddMultiLink Creates a new multi-document linked identifier. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
BreakAllLinks Removes all linked identifiers.
BreakAllLinksInRange Removes all linked identifiers in the specified source range.
CloseMultiLidContainerGroup Closes IMultiLidContainerGroup opened by the OpenMultiLidContainerGroup method.
ConsolidateLinks Consolidates linked identifiers in the specified array of source ranges.
Find Returns an array of ILinkedIdentifiers from the specified TextDocument entirely contained inside the given range.
FindLinkRanges Returns an array of ILinkedIdentifiersInfo from the specified TextDocument entirely contained inside the given range.
GetStorage Returns the ILinkedIdentifierStorage instance for the specified TextDocument.
Invalidate Refreshes the state of all ILinkedIdentifiers in the given TextDocument. This may be required after creating any new ILinkedIdentifiers, to ensure that they are properly highlighted.
LockDelete Call this to keep linked identifiers from being deleted while making text changes. Generally, this will not be required. When finished, call UnlockDelete.
NewMultiDocumentContainer Creates a new multi-document linked identifier container.
OpenMultiLidContainerGroup Opens a new multi-document linked identifier container group.
UnlockDelete Call this after LockDelete to allow linked identifiers to be deleted again.




Active Returns true if there are any linked identifiers that are currently active (being edited).
ActiveLink Gets the linked identifier that is currently active (being edited).
ActiveStorage Gets the ILinkedIdentifierStorage instance for the active TextDocument.
Changing Indicates if the text in the linked identifiers is changing. Note that it is hidden from Intellisense.
DeleteLocked Determines whether or not linked identifiers will be deleted when making text changes.
LinkedIdentifierPropagation Gets or sets the ILinkedIdentifierPropagation implementer, which specifies how propagation is applied for the linked identifiers.
Products: DXCore
Versions: 12.1 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: Jun/09/2010
ID: D054

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