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Camel Case Navigation and Selection

November 10th, 2010

Camel Case Navigation (also known as Camel Case Nav) moves the code editor text caret to the next or previous lower case to the upper case transition of the current word. Camel Case Nav is built using DXCore action components, so it is activated via shortcuts.

The following shortcuts are available:


Action name


Alt+Left CamelCaseLeft Moves the text caret to the next lower case to upper case transition, to the left of the text caret.
Alt+Right CamelCaseRight Moves the text caret to the next lower case to upper case transition, to the right of the caret.
Alt+Shift+Left CamelCaseLeft Extends the selection to the next lower case to upper case transition, to the left of the caret.
Alt+Shift+Right CamelCaseRight Extends the selection to the next lower case to upper case transition, to the right of the caret.
Alt+Backspace CamelCaseDeleteLeft Deletes the camel-case word to the left of the caret.
Alt+Delete CamelCaseDeleteRight Deletes the camel-case word to the right of the caret.


CodeRush Camel Case Navigation and Selection

You can customize shortcuts within the IDE | Shortcuts options page in the Options Dialog.

Products: CodeRush Pro and CodeRush Xpress
Versions: 11.1 and up
VS IDEs: any
Updated: May/30/2012
ID: C034

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