Home > Options/Settings > How to make the IntelliSense work as usual after CodeRush is installed

How to make the IntelliSense work as usual after CodeRush is installed

August 18th, 2010

After installing CodeRush, you may have probably noticed that the IntelliSense doesn’t work as usual in Visual Studio. For example, when you type “something.” (dot at the end), the IntelliSense may not come up. This is because CodeRush, by default, suppresses the IntelliSense acceptance if there’s a possible template expansion at the caret. In this case you can either:

  • Press CTRL+Space to make the IntelliSense come up, or
  • Change the CodeRush setting in the Options Dialog. Follow these steps to get to the IntelliSense options page:
  • 1. From the DevExpress menu, select “Options…”.

    2. In the tree view on the left, navigate to this folder:


    3. Select the “IntelliSense” options page.

    4. Uncheck the “Suppress IntelliSense acceptance when potential templates exist at the caret” option.

    Products: CodeRush Pro and CodeRush Xpress
    Versions: 9.1 and up
    VS IDEs: any
    Updated: Aug/21/2010
    ID: T024

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